Friday 1 February 2008

okay, things are SO bad.

My wounds from yesterday are actually healing very nicely. I used the 50 pound note as a bandage and sandwiches as disinfectant.

My sling was a new guitar I bought. Okay, hold your horses. Yes, I bought a new was only 39 pounds and I got the case for free! Not to mention I can sell it for at least 20 pounds when I am done with it. Totally worth it. I have been going a little crazy not being able to move my left fingers in chord progressions and not being able to sing popular tunes as if I wrote them. It's a HANK guitar and it's a 3/4th steel string. It sounds alright and eases my pains. Now I can sing about how much I hate Ryan Air.

Today was acutally good day, sorta. I didn't do anything that would warrent it a bad day except getting up at 7am to go to school and once again realizing I'm not learning anything. I feel like I am taking workshops for summer break. I got to bring actors for casting auditions to the Tower Block. Fucking exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can now play 3 different Bob Dylan songs which I will promptly forget tomorrow morning.
I also plan on getting drunk and going dancing tonight. I better look awesome. I wonder what I should do with my hair?

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