Sunday 24 February 2008

Man . What a terrible weekend. What a wonderful weekend.
Wonderful for my social life
Terrible for my body.

2 nights straight of drinking.
3 burgers
1 unnamed substance
2 busted eardrums
8 hours of dancing
1 early train ride home
2 broken hearts
4 glasses of punch
2 gin and tonics

and the list goes on.

0 make out sessions.

Thursday 21 February 2008


Hampton Court Palace

I went to a Palace. For real, yo.

I went to Hampton Court Palace which is on the Thames just on the outside of London. It was chilly, foggy, and grey. The perfect London day. This palace was the home of Henry the 8th. It was pretty amazing to walk down the halls of the great palace that he himself used to waddle down.

I guess when he was young he was supposidly handsome, valliant, had fine calfs, and talented. Then he went nuts and killed his wives. Although he was with Catherine for 20 years. Not many people realize that.

The Tudor part of the castle was I think my favorite, although I did feel like I was in Amadeus as I walked down the long cooridoors of the Georgian part. The cielings were high, the furniture rich and ornamental, the tapastries to die for, the rock crystal chandelier was a rock crystal chadeleier....I mean, what else can one say about such a place? The gardens were specatular even in the winter. Like I've said earlier, everything here is still green and the Kew trees were full on hunter green. Green against the grey, magic.

And swans. There were swans that went right up to my feet and stared menacingly at them. Then they went off to do swan things.

I frolicked in the meadow, the fog heavy and receeding into the background. There were no buildings for miles, it seemed. A giant pool that must have been a 1/4th of a mile long was surrounded by trees and had the stranges birds bathing in them. All black except for a little white on their heads.

My spell check won't work and I know my spelling is horrid in this entry. Please, please ignore them at all costs since I have as well.

What else? Beer, 3 gin and tonics. Nothing. Felt nothing except hot. Fire alarm at 3:40am. Pissed. Worked on a REALLY AWESOME video today. Working slowly on my own. Someday, Jenny. Someday.

Sunday 17 February 2008

Today I took a day trip.

I woke up and made a film about not knowing what to do. Then in the film I decide to go out to Oxford. So I had to go to Oxford. That is just what I did.

The English countryside is beautiful. The farm land, the rolling hills, the 17th century villages, the tudor barns. Everthing. Iowa has nothing on the English country side. Everything was still green and plants were growing. Cows and pigs roamed the land along with horses and sheep. It was a magic sort of feeling. It was like being in Harry Potter. I will be in Harry Potter.

By the way, finished the book. FUCKING AMAZING. I have no reason to live anymore.

So Oxford is about 1 1/2 hours out of the city. It was amazing. Beautiful . Charming. Everything you would epect a city with the oldest university to be. The architecture blew my mind, the winding streets and the meadow. A MEADOW! Yes. I went to a church aptly named "Christ Chuch". You cannot get more to the point. It had a meadow with a winding brook though it that you could rent boats on. The meadow stretched so far that at one point all you see is trees. Then on the other side another open field and more towering church towers. The sound of bells tolling the hour were in the background while birds chirped, babies laughed, and then angels fell out of the sky and draped me in silk. Amazing.

London is great, but the country, the villages, the towns. That is what is great. Architecture from hundreds of years ago still stand and the cobble stone streets are just different. Actually, its in London too, but its different. It doesn't smell as bad and the air is fresh. So fresh I smelled dirt and I though it was heaven. Paths through quiet seclusion, wide open football fields with foxes running across them, churches on every corner. That is what the english are all about! That is the England I want to see! The country side is for me, damn it. Thats it.

Wednesday 13 February 2008

Last Night's Dream

I had a very vivid dream last night:

So my flat mate Tom and I were dating but I could tell that he really didn't want to date me. He would sit far away from me when we ate dinner, didn't give me eye contact, and wouldn't kiss me or do anything a boyfriend should. I realized this and I wanted to break up with him. I brought it up to him and said "Tom, you don't really like me, do you?" he would argue me and say he did. I think eventually I just left him or he left me...

Then I was in a small town running and hiding from people who were trying to hurt me. A few kids from my class were running with me along with Sasha. We hid in a giant house and I think we were safe for a while. Someone gave me a couple of bombs to throw at enemies. They were sacks of liquid that you poked through the top with a ball point pen and would explode at whatever you threw them at. Eventually the Nazi's came in and we were hiding and putting up a fight against them as they tried to detain us. I threw one bomb and killed someone but the other one I hid under my shit when I was caught. However it was grossly inflated and they found it and took it.

Then we were in a 90 floor tower building where they were detaining all the Jews. I remember that I knew they were going to kill me if I didn't escape. A bunch of my classmates were there and some friends. We were trying to fiind a way to escape. It gets a little fuzzy but I remember running in and out of rooms diverging the Nazis and hiding. I think I threw a few bombs and may have had a gun at one point.

Finally we all made it to the stairs which were half broken. Then would go down a certain ammount, then there was a 10 foot drop to the next set of stairs. People were helping to drop others down these stairs. I was terrified and hated it, butI made it down them all and I was almost home free. There was only one last stretch of land to cover before we were safe.

Suddenly we were at an old neighbors house-the couple with two kids and lived next to us in the blue house on the hill. I saw guards and I knew that we just had to run for it and make the best of it. So we started running. The guards saw us and were after us at once, shooting and killing a few. I got shot in the wrist, but somehow managed to grab two machine guns and started killed the Nazis that were chasing us. They turned out to be kids from my class as well. I remember distinctly killing Claudius...

The safe house was my old house on the hill were Ruby and my Father lived. But it was inhabited by English people and I couldn't find my father. But I was safe from the Nazis which was very reassuring.

Saturday 9 February 2008

Never Mind the Buzzcocks


Camden Town Market has burnt to the ground.

Not all of it, but a sizable chunk I am told by the local news. How sad since I did want to go there tomorrow and get some cheap, trashy things that one could really only find in Camden. If you are unfamiliar with Camden, it is the place where punk was born. You can still see its roots and some hard core punks lolly gagging about, but for the most part it has since turned into a tourist trap with mainstream shops and a Sainsbury. Although the lock is beautiful, despite the bodies that end up floating in it.

A popular Pub that has seen the likes of Kelly Ozbourn, Amy Winehouse, Peter Daughtey, and every other scenester/hipster/indie trash bastard (of which I fit into somewhere) has burnt down as well. Oh dear! Where will they drink their beers and smoke their rolled up cigs? Where will they talk about obscure bands and various sexual partners they encounter all while looking stunning and unbearable bored? I had wanted to go back there-I was inhouse on Monday and actually liked the atmosphere- but I guess that won't be happening any time soon.

London is plagued by great fires.

I went back to Portobello road and got a SWEET painting. I was shopping and looking at prints and such and the man said "that one, 50 pounds." I politely said "piss off, i'm a student!". He then directed me to the "discount" paintings. Honest to god, it was someones Uni portfolio from the 70's and he was selling the spoils. Well, this was just too good so I indulged and got a portait of a cowboy-esque man for 3 pounds.

Walked around, went to Brick lane, got Indian food for a deal, drank, came home.

That was my day.
I drink far too much. Every night this week and my checking account is feeling the blows. I don't even want to look at it. I am too scared. Don't ask me to look at it!

I didn't get into Vail. Oh well. I know I am talented and everyone else can go to hell.

Sunday 3 February 2008


God has yet to reveal to me why I was banished from Italy.

I'm waiting God, and all I have to say, is that it better be good. Better than sliced bread or cheezitz, and I really don't see it possible to top cheezitz.

This thing won't change the font back to unbold. Oh well. Looks like everything I say in this post will be REALLY important.

I will say this, my relationship with my roommates has improved so I guess that is a good thing. We went dancing and I got so BLASTED out of my mind, I've been having dizzy spells for two days. Or my liver has finally tuckered out. Which ever one it is, I am now sworn off heavy drinking. I really shouldn't drink Alcohol at all. It's doing nothing for my health.

I made homemade taboulli and mashed cauliflower for dinner. It was delicious. I am trying to do whole food thing and get my body back into shape. It won't be so hard. I shouldn't drink, eat carbs, sugar, or anything else tasty. It won't be so hard. I CAN DO IT!

I went to Portobello Rd., but I went a tad too late. Everything was closed except for a few market shops and restaurants, but the street was deserted. It was a beautiful road, none the less. An old man that I bought a necklace from gave me a coin from the era of King George the Third. It is worn out and you can't really tell if it's a penny or what, but you can still see his face and the naked lady on the back. It is now the oldest thing I own.

Portobello Road is located in Notting Hill. Everytime I think of it I think of that terrible film that shares it's name. Granted, I've never seen the film, but its a RomCom and you know how terrible those are. (Gigli, anyone?) It reminds me of Beacon Hill if Beacon Hill were in England and larger and older and...well, nothing like Beacon hill except rich people populate it. There are a ton of private parks that you need a key to enter. I guess if I was shelling out over a million pounds for a dwelling, I would want to be entitled to a private garden to share with my fellow rich bitches.

Now I am off to have ONE glass of wine. Don't over do it, Jenny.

Friday 1 February 2008

okay, things are SO bad.

My wounds from yesterday are actually healing very nicely. I used the 50 pound note as a bandage and sandwiches as disinfectant.

My sling was a new guitar I bought. Okay, hold your horses. Yes, I bought a new was only 39 pounds and I got the case for free! Not to mention I can sell it for at least 20 pounds when I am done with it. Totally worth it. I have been going a little crazy not being able to move my left fingers in chord progressions and not being able to sing popular tunes as if I wrote them. It's a HANK guitar and it's a 3/4th steel string. It sounds alright and eases my pains. Now I can sing about how much I hate Ryan Air.

Today was acutally good day, sorta. I didn't do anything that would warrent it a bad day except getting up at 7am to go to school and once again realizing I'm not learning anything. I feel like I am taking workshops for summer break. I got to bring actors for casting auditions to the Tower Block. Fucking exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can now play 3 different Bob Dylan songs which I will promptly forget tomorrow morning.
I also plan on getting drunk and going dancing tonight. I better look awesome. I wonder what I should do with my hair?