Sunday 6 January 2008

Top of the Pops

After getting quite boozed up with my roommates....or FLATmate should I say, I woke up in a haze and the awkwardness seeped in again. I wish that people could be drunk all the time. Then their inhibitions towards other humans would disappear. Also nothing would ever get done, but thats small peas on comparison to all the social situations people would let themselves get into! And there wouldn't ever be that weird aftermath of the shitty feeling of becoming sober and people realize that they are surrounded by other humans and turn into marble.

Well I went shopping today. I mean, are you surprised? Good bye $430 dollars! Hello debt! It's impossible to not spend more than 30 pounds a day. Well, actually it an be done if you don't go buy every shiny English thing you see. If i can't control what I put in my mouth, how can I control what I take out of my wallet? Don't ask such things of me!

I'm listening to an impossible amount of Art Brut. It's getting a little obsessive, but its about to time to get a new obsession. More later. I have laundry to do. Pictures too!

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