Wednesday 5 March 2008

I am missing it already

Please ignore all spelling errors as I have no way to edit them:

I saw Amy Winehouse! Well, I think it was her. It really could have been a man in drag dressed as her but considering the location I think I can say it was 82% her.

She was walking and I saw her hair and thought to myself "Gee, that is very Amy Winehouse of that woman" (who was walking with her coat collar covering her face. Then our eyes met and she dropped her collar. It was magic. My heart jumped. Then I thought "Is that a dude or Amy"? My first London Celeb spotting!

Last night we went to a club called Madame Jojo's. It is a hot spot of trendy as fuck mods and rockers along with their tights wearing counterparts. I think I had been wanting to go to a place like that for a while. I needed to see all the hipsters that I strive to be and dance along side them feeling inadequat as hell.
Don't get me wrong, I had a wonderful time. I am just pointing out the silliness of our world. But then again there will always be that sect of people who are going to be cooler than the next and so on and so on so I might as well be cool for myself.

Anyway, I danced to music I actually knew instead of computer beats. There were guitars and real drum sounds! Vocals and harmonies! Daft Punk! So for the first time in my clubbing history, I was actually able to dance AND sing which makes the whole process of dancing so much more enjoyable. I didn't get too drunk as my wallet just won't allow it.

My wallet hates my guts right now. I am just spending money like its no thang. I always have a budget for myself but it never really works.Drinking, Eating, all so expensive. And I have to buy gifts soon!

The term is almost over and it is really bumming me out. I have become quite attached to my fellow roomies and I like them a lot. So much that I have been trying to find options of staying another term. But this is normal and I think all study abroad students go though it. I wouldn't mind it so much if the term was an actual term. Not 10 lousy weeks. They talk to me as a friend and I can walk into a room of them and not feel so strange and alienated. They tell me how they don't want me to leave and it melts my little jew heart. After I leave, will we still be friends? Will we keep in touch? All these questions I have! I wonder about the future. What will happen when I go home? Will my friends still be my friends, do I really have any friends, will I get a job, will I have enough money, how long can I live off loans for....all those wonderful and exciting inquiries.

I want to put those in the back of my mind right now. All I want to think about is the weekend, the parties, the FUN I'm having now and then when I get home all the WORK I will be doing. Job time. Yeah....

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